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We got a bunch of PROS to debate insta, the good and the bad.

What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? 


Overall, I think it’s kind of a double edge sword. Like, if you have shit to post that you’re hyped on whether it be BMX or life stuff, it’s pretty easy to be into using social media. It’s definitely amazing that we can post something and instantly get a like, comment, or message from another rider halfway around the world. Really, I think it’s probably the best tool for connecting with people you realistically would never meet or even know exist….That’s pretty damn cool.  


I think the danger comes more often for younger people, especially those experiencing depression, social anxiety, stuff like that. For people in that boat (which is a boat we can all find ourselves in at times), I think it’s definitely pretty easy for people to feel like their life is less exciting than what they’re seeing on their phones. This in turn only worsens negative feelings towards oneself, further isolating people from others or “real” life experiences.


That was a good way of putting it. I definitely have my moments where I just can’t be arsed being on the app. Takes time to find the right balance. With that being said, would you rather not have Instagram in the world or have it? If you could choose?


That’s a really tricky one. On the one hand, it did feel like life was a little more genuine in the late 90’s- 2000’s when I was growing up. Like, maybe the people with the coolest personalities who really got out there on trips, rode hard, met other like minded riders, etc were the ones who turned pro or “rose to the top”  so to speak. It made pro’s feel like superheros and made BMX feel a lot more genuine. 


Whereas now social media has opened the door to some previously unheard of kid who can do a pegs hard 180 whip to get sponsored almost purely based on tricks…not always that simple, but it happens. Back to the question though, as hard as social media can be to live & interact with, I think at the end of the day more people having more opportunities is probably the best for BMX as a whole, especially in terms of progression. Even though the game is different, I’d choose to have it vs. get rid of it.


Yeah, I think about that sometimes. I love that I grew up when I did. It was just as the insta game was beginning. I definitely have some pictures of my dinners if you scroll down enough, haha. 

Now that you’ve chosen to keep instagram. Do you think bmx brands and riders should be less reliant on social media?


Dude, I know, right!? I miss when it just wasn’t that serious. I feel like that was actually the best era.


I think it really depends on the rider or the brand, and what either want to accomplish. Look at Demarcus (Paul), he went hard on Instagram and got on Adidas…same thing with Brad (Simms). A rider like Tate (Roskelley) works well for Instagram because he’s primarily going after that “viral” type thing that a lot of non-bmx riders are gonna enjoy, where as a rider like Chase D probably understands his riding is gonna be way more impactful in a well put together video part. I think social media, just like BMX, is really just whatever you want to make out of it. 

I think there’s room for everything



What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? 


I’m on a big drive right now. Let me think on this for a second. Are there positives to social media? Yes, but the idea of something feeding us what it thinks we want to see is the scariest part. Without us being able to question ideas and think freely we will never be able to progress as a society. And eventually fall into a hole in what we think is correct because something tells us it is. So question everything your phone tells you!


Yeah the algorithm thing is so grim. It puts me right off using the app. I chose what I want to see already so stop feeding me shit, haha. With that being said. My next question is - Would you rather not have Instagram in the world or have it? If you could choose?


Not have it. Think the world would do a serious exhale if it lived without it. But this is also just my perspective and how it makes me feel.


It’s a fair perspective to have. I thankfully knew a world without it and it wasn’t too bad. Do you think bmx brands and riders should be less reliant on social media?


I mean in a perfect world I wish I could say less. The reality is that it connects you to so many different things. But yes, I do wish brands focused more on quality projects and ignored the quick hit agenda currently polluting our minds. I’m a strong believer that quality things you put your brand into will only grow our culture and whoever’s brand.


All good. Yeah this quick hit shit is so draining! I agree that it does help brands connect and make things possible but we could do that before instagram too. I feel like instagram has taken some of the drive in new riders to go out and film a video that showcases themselves and their area. Everything is so quick and easy. I feel like it’s pushing a very key part of bmx culture to the side in the newer gen. Maybe that’s just what I’m seeing? There are definitely still a lot of sick videos and projects getting made. 


Any final words you have for instagram? Haha


I hope you a very quick death Instagram 



What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? 


I wouldn’t say its worse, I think it’s cool to have a platform to showcase some quick flavor you hit up at the local spot and could look back on and gain that memory from.


That’s a good way of looking at it man. I feel the same. I try to treat my personal feed as a memory bank. A place for new learns, trips away and cool shit I’m into, haha.


Would you rather not have Instagram in the world or have it? If you could choose?


I’d say Instagram has its good and bad sides. It would be nice to not have Instagram in the world or even these next level phones we use on a daily for how much time it takes away from us. I feel like a lot more people would be more involved in conversations instead of chillin scrolling through instagram or on some other crazy app. If the older days cell phones like the Motorola or Nokia were still a thing but they were much more durable then you wouldn’t feel inclined to use them for a long period of time if not necessary.


Aye man! I’ve been tempted a couple times to go back to a burner phone. Just text and call the homies. I’ve not committed yet but you never know, haha. I remember the days when you ride to the homies house to see if he’s down to ride or not. I wonder if there are kids out there still doing that. 



What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? 


I think social media can be a great thing for some people and a shitty thing for others. For someone trying to come up with no filmer, no big scene around them or things like that. They have the opportunity for exposure as long as someone has a decent cell phone. All of a sudden everyone has the chance to be seen no matter who you are or where you live. As long as you have a cell phone,  camera and internet connection. If you’re killing it you can get noticed. Before social media the filmers / photographer had to come to you which made it completely impossible for so many people to ever get noticed. 


On the other hand, I think it is not a good thing for people who make it into their lives. I know riders who let it get to them and see it ruin peoples riding because all they can think about is getting an Instagram clip instead of enjoying the session. It’s all about balance and can be a really fun thing as long as you don’t let it get in the way of the fun and you use it to have even more fun.


I love when you unexpectedly get a cool cell phone clip to throw on the gram. Keeps you repping the sponsors in between the real video parts, trips, contests and jams. And it’s sick to see some people make careers out of just filming and shooting for social media. That’s fuckin rad as long as they are stoked on it. I love seeing people make it in any way they can. 


As far as magazines go, I honestly feel like social media might be the reason print makes a strong comeback. Clips are cool to look at on a small screen but good photos need to be seen bigger, and need to be stared at over and over again. Those DIG books and things like that. I’ve never been so appreciative like I have over the last few years. Now that there is a lack of good print. Photos on the phone are nothing like holding the same photo in some nice BMX print. That shit is the best as far as good photos and articles go in my opinion.


Things like real video parts, full length vids, team trips, project x style videos, and books / mags are always gonna be there and now social media officially has a place amongst all those as well. As far as being the one people focus the most on that up to the person themselves. I love having all the options to see my favorite riders.



What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? 


I think the effects of social media vary based on the person using it. It can be used as a tool to get one’s riding in front of others eye’s across the world. Potentially leading them to opportunity. It can also be a way to connect with other riders from a distance or a way to support an event from a far. I feel that using social media in moderation with a realistic mindset can be beneficial to a rider or small business looking to grow! 


However, it can just as easily be abused and have negative effects. Lots of us are all guilty of getting caught in a death scroll taking us out of the present moment, missing out on valuable experiences and conversations as we stare down at our phones. This can also cause some social media user’s to always compare themselves and or their riding to what they’re seeing constantly online. It can invoke discouraging and un-motivating feelings in those watching someone’s life highlight reel thinking that’s their norm. Trying to hold themselves to an unrealistic standard because of what they’re seeing someone else post. Not knowing any of the behind the scenes details.


Bottom line is social media has helped many riders reach their goals and lead them to some sort of success. It also has taken away from riders or impacted them negatively. Metaphorically I’d choose to look at social media as if it were fire. Used correctly it can help you cook, stay warm, see in the dark…… Used incorrectly you can burn everything you worked hard for to the ground. 


The choice is yours.



What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? 


I think social media is a great thing for riders to network communicate with each other. From my experience we are always pretty poor communicators so any way to get people connected is tight. I luckily found friends in Tom’s river who wanted to ride all the time without that I wouldn’t have been outside as much and wouldn’t have fell in love with exploring cities . Without that and my circle of friends I just liked to kick it with I deff would have quit riding. So it can give you that which is important. Downside is I see people get sucked into the dopamine release from getting praise and it can distract you from what’s actually going in your real life to the point I’ve been talking to friends and can just tell they aren’t listening.



What are your thoughts about the effects of social media? Is it better for us or worse? Explain as much as you want?


Hmm my thoughts on social media? Well I don’t see it as a bad thing, nor a particularly good thing. It’s more how the individual manages it. I guess you’ve got to find a sort of balance. It’s an amazing way to see all sorts of riding on many different levels from all over the globe. It’s a nice way to interact with people and make virtual connections that can go a long way in the real or biking world. 


I’m not a fan of how addictive it is, and how people can start living for the gram and not so much for the actual living experience of riding or living. But yeah I love watching other people’s riding, seeing what they’re up too, and getting to show others what I’m up to. It’s also a nice way to give appreciation for the sponsors helping me out. I feel like video parts are super important! And they are the essence of street riding. Not everyone gets the opportunity to film one. Instagram helps fill that void


That’s a pretty good way of looking at it man. It definitely is a balance with instagram. I like how it can bring people together too. I mean without it this communication wouldn’t be happening as easily, haha. With that being said. Would you rather not have Instagram in the world or have it? If you could choose?


So true man! I mean it’s hard to imagine a world without it. There is so much that goes in hand with it. YouTube, Cellphones, and on and on. So in my view you are asking, any form of digital media. And if I think about it that way. The world would probably be a more genuine place without all of it. But it’s such a part of my life now that I guess I’d choose to have it, kinda gives a sense of connection on a broader spectrum. Unfortunately some bad things come with it all, but a lot of good comes from it too


Yeah it is hard to imagine a world without it for sure. I do remember the days before instagram. It’s insane to see how much of an impact it has made since it first dropped. Nothing wrong with wanting to keep it either.


Do you think bmx brands and riders should be less reliant on social media?


I started riding when social media kicked off so I pretty much only know the biking world with it, but I can try to imagine a world without it. Also I am not fond that so much of life is lived in a virtual world now. To answer your question, I don’t think so, no. It’s the world we live in now, and I see many people progressing and improving through social media. Personally I’m not a fan of the whole influencer vibe, I just like to watch people riding and being themselves. Sometimes I get a bit swamped with all the content, but then I can just tune out for a while. That way I won’t miss living my own life watching another. 


It would be nice to see more and more international, team trips, video parts, and jams.


Yeah insta came into the picture a couple years into me riding. I feel like the focus on video parts and web edits has been lost on some of the newer riders. Instagram fame and influencing has pushed a really important part to the bmx culture to one side. I wish I didn’t have that association but I’m just not seeing as many sick videos these days. Don’t get me wrong there are great videos and content being produced. I just feel like the amount has decreased since social media. I do still love dropping a cheeky insta here and there too, haha.  


Yeah, I hear what you’re saying. I feel like video parts have lost a bit of their impact. I used to re-watch edits over and over. I still do but not to the same extent. I think that’s because I get a quick fix every time I flick through my insta feed. But as I said, I enjoy it 


Aye man! I’m actually the same. I guess bmx and bmxers just need to work out how best to use instagram without getting lost in the obis, haha!

